Introduction PROCESSING
At the start of using Processing, we simply got used to layout of the processing software. It was surprisingly very simple and easy to use, as the task-bar only a select few buttons it made the programme more friendly to get used to. All the functions on the task-bar were very self explanatory just by looking at the buttons themselves, this also helped a great deal at understanding the layout of the software.
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Processing was difficult to first get used to it. However, when having the 'reference page' to assist you with the coding names was very helpful. It was a list of all the phrases you could use inside Processing, and within this phrases they gave you an animation of what it does, and an example coding paragraph, so you can look at the example and use it to work around your own project.
The first introduction we had we had to create two shapes and make the object bounce of each side of the window. It was a difficult task, however in the end I did manage to do this, and to add with this you were able to add in other functions to make the objects change colour,move on mouse position and have inverted mouse controls. There was many functions on Processing that were good to explore with.
We had to get the basic's of processing so that when we use it in further modules it will be slightly more easier to use. This was the sort of coding that we did to produce square bouncing to the edges of the screen and back.